All of you who have boys, especially if they are potty training age, know that one of the benefits of boys is that they can "go" anywhere. I have stopped on the side of the road countless times because Kade announces "mom I need to go NOW!" I figure the side of the road is better than nothing right? This also translates into the swimming pool. Who wants to dry off and go inside and risk the chance of stage fright and a wasted trip when you can just go in the rocks. Needless to say, our system has worked well thus far....until a few days ago.
Joel took Kade to the gym and when he picked him up he noticed his sticker was at the front desk. There was a note written on it. Joel went to the woman at the front desk and asked if Kade had any problems today. She gave him this semi-disgusted look and said, " he peed on the playground. He just took his pants down and started going!" Joel laughed, which probably didn't help the woman's impression of us as parents. He explained that we do that at home if we are swimming or playing outside and the bathroom is too far away. I don't think she was amused! There is probably a special tag on our file now and I bet they all point and stare and say "oh that's the woman who's son......"
Oh well, I think it is hilarious. I had a hard time getting mad at him since we had never clarified
where he was allowed to pee in the rocks, and he was so proud of himself for not peeing his pants.
Since then we have stressed that we DON'T do that at the gym. We haven't had any more incidents yet, but don't be surprised if you ever have us over and Kade goes outside and drops his pants :)