Friday, March 27, 2009


not much going on but thought I would let you know I am still alive....I knew you were all worried. I think I am finally getting closer to having a hand on pregnancy #3, and hoping that the tiredness and sickness is just about done! I have been quite usless these past several weeks. I thought about blogging something cute about my kids but not only could I not remember anything recent, but also looked at my camera to find that I have not taken a picture in quite a while. Pretty lame on my part, but I am blaming that and all of my other shortcomings on the kid....poor thing.

I have come to discover a few things over these past few pregnancies, and trying desperately to find the humor in it all.

Baby #1: so excited. Could NOT wait for maternity clothes, but took me 5 months before I could even wear them. Loved every moment of pregnancy, no stretch marks, no morning sickness, (I know, you hate me right now but wait until I am done so you can laugh at me). When Kade was born I was of course thrilled, but genuinely missed him in my belly moving around.

Baby #2
I thought, "this is great" it will be just like the last one, plus I have all the maternity clothes. Too bad I was popping out of my pants by 3 months. I thought "this is ok, so I am showing a little faster, no biggy." Still no morning sickness, thank the Lord. Energy is a bit less, but it must be because I am already taking care of a toddler at home. Then IT happened. VEINS. Thick, dark, nasty, all over the back of my thighs. The one body part I liked were my legs...I don't have boobs or super shapely arms, but my legs were pretty good. They were painful and I had to finally where granny support hose to help them feel Oh yeah, did I mention it was the middle of summer! Then I out grew all of my past maternity clothes. I couldn't figure out why, I hadn't gained any more weight. Then Gavin was born at 10lbs. 2 ounces. AHA, that explains it.

Baby #3
Soooooo tired. And hungry again. Knocked off of my feet, wondering WHY I did this. Oh yeah, I wanted a third kid....details. I have pooch already, oh and acne too. Woohoo, sexy. My belly button is already starting to pop and I am not even out of the first trimester. And, to add insult to injury....the veins are back. Even earlier this time. I forsee a very hot summer with annoying support hose.

So I guess the joke is on me huh. Oh please let this be a girl so I can be 100% sure I am done. I am afraid to find out what baby #4 would be like after the progression so far!


mini and brother said...

I think you're really hot. Veins or not! Praying for a girl!

Taylors said...

Its crazy what we put our bodies through for our kids. I only hope I can be as cute as you when I get prego again.

By the way, THANK YOU so much for the gift for Aubrey. The outfit is so cute! I got so many compliments when she wore it. We missed you.
Is is weird that I am better friends with Kristin and Tawnya's friends than I am with the girls I graduated with?

Tawnya said...

Yeesh, I am not looking forward to #2! When do you get your ultrasound??

Unknown said...

I had nasty vein problems, too. Let me know if you need more compression hose. I have a few pair! They're horrible. They take so long just to get on, but they really do help when you're on your feet a lot. I was also SUPER sick - so I completely understand what you're going through. Thank the Lord you make cute babies, right? :) Take care!

Kristi said...

Welcome to the sexy.

Astraea said...

The veins are so painful and gross...been there. When I was pregnant with Faith, I knew I was NEVER going to be again!!!

Alisa Larson said...

Congrats on baby #3! We are starting to "try" too. It sucks being pregnant. I hate getting fat. It's not so bad during the pregancy, it's afterward, when the baby is out and I still look like a whale that gets me crazy in the head! :-) Good luck, hopey you feel better soon!

Alisa Larson said...

Oh, and BTW, my sister had a problem with a varicous vein in her vagina (yes, I just said that). It hurt her so bad and the doctor was quite concerned b/c it was HUGE. So, count your blessings on that they don't end up there! :-).