So, my nesting has been getting the best of me and I thought it was time to start finishing some projects that we started when we first moved in. Since we have been here almost a year, I figured I better finish up before I get started on Zoey's room, which is my next project!
When we moved in we painted just about everything! The people who lived here before us had no idea what a color pallet was, and we had to do some serious overhaul. We bought all the paint, and it took me about 4 months, but I got most of it done. We (I) painted the living room, office, hallway, Kaden's room, kitchen cabinets, and all of the ugly baseboards. Then the main room left that was in dire need of attention was the master bedroom.....but I was just so sick of painting that I stopped. So, for the last 6 months I have been telling myself that I need to just do it, and two days ago, I finally did. Here are the before's:
That is a nice orange/terricata color, with lovely peach contrast on the wall that leads to the bathroom.

More orange....lovely right?
So I wanted to lighten it up quite a bit. I picked a nice neutral light beige for the main color, and then a grey blue for a contrast color. I really love the beachy/California feel, so that is what I was going for:

So much better, right?

The Bathroom is finally not peach!
We still have an ugly vanity to rip out, need some new hardware for the bathroom, a new door, and some artwork for over the bed, but I had to start with what was cheapest, and would the most drastic change. Words can't describe to you how much nicer it is to walk into that room as apposed to before!
Meanwhile, while I was working on that , Joel was working on his latest projects, converting home videos into movies. He does such a great job, and basically just taught himself how to do it. Now, not only is he working on stuff for us, but he is turning a profit helping other people make movies out of their home footage. So, if your looking for anyone to splice together a home movie or of kids playing, or a birthday party, or anything really, he can do it for ya for super cheap compared to the "professionals."
Check out this one he put together last night of our crazy boys: