Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm still here....

Barely, though. I have not been very motivated to post lately...probably because the only thing I want to post about is having a baby girl, and, well, I am not there yet and it is taking FOREVER. Ok, maybe I am exaggerating a little. I am anxious (can you tell?), tired, and ready to be done. In the midst of all of that, feeling like a broken record and hating that I am complaining so much. So if we could just fast forward the next month or so, that would really be helpful.

I am also dying for cooler weather, fall, crafts, holidays....all my favorite things this time of year. I want to bake without the house feeling like a sauna....I want to go for morning runs in crisp air, I want to take the kids out on their bikes without sweating....siggghhhhh. Soon enough, I guess!

In recent news, I have started potty training Gavin! I know, maybe not the best timing, but I can't go back now or it will confuse him. I honestly don't mind changing his diaper, but the thought of paying for diapers for him and Zoey at the same time made me cringe. Plus, everytime he went in his diaper, he told me so I figured this kid needs to star going like a big boy NOW! We started off pretty rocky....lots of accidents, me trying not to be too fruterated, etc, etc. But We are on about day 5 and his progress is good. He still, for the most part, does not tell me when he needs to go, but I think I have watched him long enough that I know his cues and patterns and I just take him often. Eventually, hopefully, he will start telling me so I don't have to watch him like a hawk.

So that is my world right now....I know, not very entertaining or exciting. Hopefully something better to post next time ( is it bad that I am hoping the baby is born like 3 weeks early?)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It's not bad to wish for her to come early! I did the same but she still stuck around til her due date. Were your other two early at all? I can only imagine how uncomfortable you are right now, this summer seems to be dragging. Hang in there...soon you'll be running, baking and cuddling your sweet new baby girl. :-)