Tuesday, April 21, 2009

catch up time

Sooo I had lots of good intentions of posting pics from Easter, but seeing how it is now almost 2 weeks past I don't think it will happen. We had a good Easter, Joel was home, though poor thing had a stomach bug. We had our own easter egg hunt here, then another one at Joel's parents, and then another one with my family at my sister's house. Easter also happened to be my sister's birthday so I made a fun Easter/birthday cake. It turned out pretty good. I got a handful a cute pics of the boys trying to find eggs, but not even one family pic...oh well. The boys had a blast and for the next week Kade asked if I would hide more eggs for him to find. This may be his new favorite holiday...atleast until the next one:)

Let's see....oh yah we cut Gavin's hair. It was getting so long, and his hair just doesn't grow like Kade's does, he had quite the mullet going on. He looks so grown up and he is talking sooo much it makes me wonder where the time went and how he became such a giant boy. He will be two in August!

I am less than a month away from the "BIG" ultra sound, and I cannot wait! WE had an ultrasound at 12 weeks and "she" looked so big already! The doc did say that she looked and didn't see a third leg...but of course still a little early to tell. Oh how I want my little girl and how I can't wait to clean out the 5 giant boxes of boys clothes from my garage!

And lastly, (for now at least) it is still April and I am already dying of heat exhaustion. It was 98 yesterday and I think supposed to be 100 today. SERIOUSLY. come one, I shouldn't have to turn the air on until atleast mid-May. I am trying as hard as I can to atleast wait until May 1st to turn it on, but I don't know if I have it in me....yesterday was very uncomfortable! I am so not looking forward to another pregnant summer. (Unless it is a girl and then I don't care!!!)

that's all I got for now.....


Mikele said...

GirlGirlGirlGirl! I'm rooting for you.

IronLawGirl said...

You're so silly!! Cute cake! And Gavin looks so grown up and handsome. And I hear you on the AC. (not Slater) We turned ours on last month when it got warm. I wish I had a solar home!!