Sunday, December 5, 2010

Who needs toys....

Ok...Thanksgiving came and went....we gave thanks - twice. It was nice to celebrate with both of our families, but I have very little documentation so I am going to skip the Turkey day post this year...sorry.
Anyhow, I have too many other things I want to post!

Starting, with this lovely girl here....who is now fully walking and into everything!
 What an interesting place to store your children

 She does look nice and cozy in there....
 Look - a souvenir from her travels

She is going to be trouble I just know it...mostly becasue she is soooo cute I can't help but give her what she wants!


Mikele said...

I used to have a cabinet full of toys for them. Um, they still got into the other ones.

Carrie said...

Cabinets are my FAVORITE place to store children!