Monday, May 9, 2011


I still have so much blogging to catch up on! So, at the end of last month, Joel decided it was time to work with Gavin again on riding his bike without training wheels. We started last fall, and it did not go over very well....he just was not ready or interested, much to Joel's dismay :)

But, after some reassurance and encouragement, my brave little 3 1/2 year old was ready to try again!

Since we were all about bike riding at our house, we also decided to finally give Kaden an upgrade. He has been riding his $10 garage sale bike for almost 2 years, so Joel took him to pick out a bigger new bike more his size.

He loves it!

While they were at the store picking out a new bike, Zoey thought it was about time she had her own helmet. She had been trying to put on the boys' helmet for months. She loves it!

Safety first!

And now, Gavin's training wheels come off!!


The Gardner Gang said...

That's amazing!!! Trey just turned 3 yesterday and I can't even imagine he'll be doing that anytime soon. Way to go!!

Tawnya said...

Look at that! He just rides up and stops like a pro. Awesome!

Carrie said...

Love Z's boots! Perfect for riding!!!