Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Seriously??? Well, I did it....I blinked and now my baby boy has just turned 6!! It sounds soooo old, I cannot believe it. 

So, where do I possibly start? Kaden, you are so very special. You were the first of 3 to so wonderfully change our lives. You started off as the easiest baby- EVER! Even in the womb, I loved being pregnant with you. You were the best sleeper, the best eater, and you hardly ever cried! Then, at about 2 years old you learned to talk...and so the roller coaster began (always fun, but crazy and scary at times!).
You are fearless..FEARLESS!! Riding your bike at 3, then a real quad, then a real Dirt Bike at age 4, and quickly moved to tackle football at age 5. You have caused my hair to start turning gray....on more than one occasion. You are smart, usually too smart for your own good. You are 6 going on 16. Seriously, sometimes I feel like I am talking to a teenager! You like to argue...a lot. But we are working on that-daily :) You have made me cry both tears of pure joy and pure frustration....but through it I draw closer to God and I see you do the same. You have a giving, kind, loving heart. You love reading God's word and have so many questions. I love to see how much you are learning at church and at school. You are so inquisitive...sometimes it drives me nuts, but most of the time I love seeing how your brain works!

Some of your favorite things at age six are: Spiderman, motorcycles, riding bikes, riding your dirt bike, helping dad mow the lawn, lego heros, puzzles, drawing and coloring, any kind of craft, playing games on my iphone, watching Saturday morning cartoons, rollercoasters, wrestling with your brother and sister, and eating anything you can get your hands on, all. day. long. ("mom can I please have something else to eat, I am starving!")

You keep me on my toes, you bring me to my knees, you challenge me (in a good way). I love you more than you could ever know. Thank you for always forgiving me when I mess up, and for being the son we dreamed about when we so desperately wanted to expand our family :)

Happy 6th Birthday my love!

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