So it has happened...I officially have a 4 year old (going on 10!) There is no baby left in him...not one piece. He is quite the big boy and I don't know how time has gone by so fast. Kaden was up bright and early this morning, anxious to tell the whole world that he is 4 now, and today is his Birthday. He is so excited, and his excitement just makes me smile.
We opened a couple gifts this morning, and though we already had his birthday celebration, I really wanted him to have a fun day so we started out by going to Jamba Juice for a morning treat and then off to the zoo, just the two of us (well three, if you count Zoey!)

Here are just a few things that I love so dearly about you, Kaden:
You are quite the daredevil. Need I remind everyone that he just got a dirtbike at the ripe age of four. You love watching older kids play, and want to try everything you see, from skateboarding to football. You love to learn, and often when we are driving your head is in one of your workbooks sounding out letters, or counting. You are CRAZY....just plain are, but you are the perfect combination of crazy and sweet, so I think we are going to keep you ;) You love your brother, even when you are frusterated with him, which is quite often. You want to show him how to do everything, along with tell him what to do, boss him around, put him in time out, and everything else that involves being in charge. But when you don't know I am watching I see you "reading" him books, or playing monsters, and you are so sweet! You often ask me if we are going to keep Gavin forever, just making sure that we are not going to give him back! Don't worry dude, I didn't save the receipt so he is here to stay:)
You are so excited for baby Zoey to arrive, and ask me almost daily if it is time for her to come out. We have her carseat ready in the car, and you like to pretend that she is already in there and you make silly faces and talk to her.
I love the way you pray. Here is one of my favorites: "Thank you God, for everything you give to us. Thank you for brother, and all the mommies and daddies you give to us. Thanks for all my toys and the food. Thanks for all the loving you give to us, too. Thanks for tables, and plates, and motorcycles. We love you God, amen!"
You love your Daddy, and like to tell everyone that he is super strong and he can fix ANYTHING. I love watching the two of you play, wrestle, laugh, and giggle. You get so excited when he comes home in the morning and usually run out to the driveway before he can even get out of the car.
You are a good helper, not only with Gavin, but you like to help me cook and clean, and like to spend time with me, which I cherish. There are days when you make me want to rip my hair out, because you are quite stubborn and like to do everything your way, but I think it is these qualities that also make me love you even more. You have already begun to give me gray hairs at the ripe age of 29, but I guess that is what hair dye is for , right?
Thank you Kaden, for making me smile, laugh, cry, and love more than I ever thought I could.
Happy Birthday:)