Sunday, July 17, 2011

**movie stars**

The boys had been discussing how a movie is made with Joel, and Joel came up with the wonderful idea of the kids making their own movie. They figured out their plot, raided the dress up box, and got to work. Joel did all the video ( and helped them come up for a few things to say) and then edited the fnishing product.
I think it is the best movie EVER made! You can say you "knew them when," and I would be happy to have them autograph pictures for you ; ) I now present to you: Space Cop. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness - that is so great! D & C are always playing good guy/bad guy, hero/villain. It's so funny, especially when C is the bad guy. Love it!

mini and brother said...

This is so cute! I'm totally going to copy you! Great Movie!!!

Tara T said...

ha ha ha!! That was SO cute!! Good work Joel!

Mikele said...

Awesome! Love the slow motion. And the credits.

Mrs. Spice (Holly) said...

Love it! As a non-professional but have a degree in it...Film Critic...I give it two thumbs up and predict several Oscar nods! Great job guys!

Tiffany said...

I love it! Notice the "modest" director didn't even credit himself at the end. ;-)