This past weekend Joel was invited to a Charity event in Louisville because of his time on Survivor. It is put on by Kentucky's police and fire dept's and the event benefits Kosair Children's Charities, along with their local children's hospital. Not only is it a great charity and cause, but they were nice enough to fly both Joel and me out (normally I would have to pay my own way), put us up in a fancy hotel suite overlooking the Ohio river, and plan all sorts of fun activities and wine and dine us.
Needless to say, we had a blast! I would have never gone to Kentucky on my own, but it was a beautiful state and the people were so hospitable. They treated us so nicely and Joel was well received. It was also neat to meet so many of the other "celebrities" that were there. There were mainly people there from Survivor (all seasons) but we also met people who did the Amazing Race and also other TV shows.
The actual Charity event was Saturday evening and was so successful. Over Six hundred people bought tickets to the gala where they wined and dined and got to meet and have pictures with all the celebrities. So many people were blown away by how different Joel looks now, and how different he is in person, while not in "game mode." We were so blessed to be a part of it and are looking forward to returning again next year!
At the Louisville Slugger factory. I am copping a feel!!
They took us to the Kentucky Derby and we got to watch races from the millionaires suite.
Me and Alexis
Us with Rob, Jolonda, and Amber (all from Survivor)
Joel with Katherine Willis (she is on the show "Friday Night Lights")
Joel with Kynt and Vixon (from Amazing Race)