Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Yesterday we went over to Fun Kristi's for some mommy playtime and kiddy pool time (yes, she is called fun Kristi for a reason!). We had a lot of fun and it was a beautiful day. Krist had to leave for about a half hour to take the girls to swimming lessons, so we just hung out and watched a movie. While she was gone, (after I was done snooping in all her cabinets) Kade asked for juice. I didn't see any in the fridge but I saw of jar of orange powder so I gave hime some Tang, figured that was good enough.
Later on, as we were leaving Kade asked for another drink and I told him I would get him some more special juice. Kristi looked at me funny, and told me she didn't think they had any juice. I said "oh, I just used the tang in the jar." She said "We don't have any tang..." That's funny, I thought. "Then what is the orange powder in the jar over there?" I asked.
"Citracel,"replied Kristi.
OMG. I am getting my kid regular already! I died laughing:)
On the way home Kade said, "Mom, I don't like that orange juice, it's spicy!"

Priceless mothering skills I think:)


Mikele said...

I'm laughing... how funny! Did he spend the rest of the day in the bathroom? You always seem to get into the strangest things at her house. Wink.

Kristi said...

That was hilarious! But don't worry, I give it to my kids sometimes on purpose. :)

Rachel said...

LOLOLOL!! How funny.

The Gardner Gang said...

I guess I'd rather have it "regular" than not at all. The "cloggage" has only happened to my kids once or twice, but it is miserable -- for all of us.

We are moving back down in August. Is your phone number going to be the same? If not, e-mail it to me. I would LOVE to hang out with you.