Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My baby is TWO!

It is hard to believe it, but two years ago today Joel and I left for the hospital at about 1 am for my scheduled induction. Gavin apparently wasn't ready at 41 weeks, but we were so we made an executive decision to get him the heck out! We did what any normal couple would do, and stopped at the QT on the way to the hospital to get snacks and candy. We learned the first time that once you get there you can't have anything to eat (kade wasn't born till 12 hours after I checked in) and I wasn't taking any chances this time.
Gavin made his entry into the world at around 10:30am and life has been better ever since. I never thought I could love a child as much as I already loved Kade but apparently it is possible.
I am not gonna lie, his first 8 months were a little rocky, and he really didn't become "fun" until he was eating real food and crawling around. He was just so different than Kade and though I tried not to compare them I could not help myself. And oh what a difference a year makes. Last year Gavin still was not walking (not until 15 months!) and he was afraid of most of the things that Kade loved at an early age. Going down the slide was unheard of, and forget about jumping or running or climbing anything. He didn't really even like when Joel threw him up in the air. the ripe age of two I am amazed daily by how smart, funny, goofy, loveable, and sweet this kid is.
To my sweet Gavin:
You wake up daily with a smile on your face and say "mornin' mommy" followed by "milk please." You call all types of fruit 'berries', and love to eat just about anything. You could drink a half gallon of milk daily if I let you, and if it were up to you probably about ten otter pops too. You talk to yourself when you play, and then laugh like you just told yourself a joke. You have been taking directions like a champ since you were about 18 months old, and now usually put your shoes away or put your plate in the sink without even being told. You also put your diapers in the trash for me, which I dearly appreciate.
You don't like being told NO (who does really?) and if you get a time out you immediately start repeating "sorry mommy" with the most sad look on your face. You have a love/hate relationship with your brother, and are very aware of everything that he does. If you don't see him you ask "brother go?" in the most sweet voice. You love your daddy so sweetly and think that every firetruck/station you see has daddy in it.

I cannot believe how many words you have and how well you speak already. While writing this you just went up to the t.v. and pointed and said "Pretty Girl!" You like to run up and grab my leg and yell "hike" and then say "wrestle mommy." You call all birds 'ducks' and everything that looks like a gun a 'shooter.' When I get you ready for the bath you point at yourself and say "Gavin naked!" and then proceed to run away from me down the hall laughing and throwing yourself on the couch.
Your not a big fan of bed time, but once I do get you in bed you love it when I read you "Goodnight Moon" and sing "jesus loves me." Usually, when I am finished you say "Jesus love me again mom!" and then ask me to sing "tinkle tinkle" (twinkle twinkle) after that.
You have the most kissable cheeks ever, and the most gorgeous blue eyes. I love your big belly and your tiny feet. You are as tall as most 3 year olds, and as smart too! You finally have all your teeth, and have one of the cutest smiles ever.

I love to give you hugs and kisses and love that you like to give them back. And though I am excited to bring your sister into the world, I am a little saddened that I will no longer have a baby boy in the house.
Thank you, my chunky monkey, for making my world better! Happy Birthday, I love you to pieces!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Oh, sweet Gavin. Happy Birthday! He's such a special cuteness.