Saturday, August 15, 2009

our new addition

We have been looking for a play set for the back yard for awhile now, and most of the ones we like we cannot afford new, so Craigslist is where we always turn first! We have found a few, decently priced, but still between 300-500 bucks so we had pretty much figured it would have to wait until Christmas. Then the other day Joel showed me one he found for $80 bucks, with everything we wanted on it. We decided to snatch it up now instead of waiting till Christmas for something else.

When Joel got there, he said it was in really poor shape, all the wood was damaged and old, and not really safe anymore. But he said all the play components were in good enough shape so he gave them $60 bucks and got the slide, swings, pole, ladder, and rope climbing wall! Not bad, huh.

Well, if you know Joel you know he is not very patient and couldn't wait to start his new project! So within 3 days, and 2 trips to Lowe's later, here is our new addition to our back yard:

Joel did this by himself! I am so proud of him:) we will fill the bottom part under the slide with sand so they have a sandbox too!

Kade looooves the new slide:)

On his rope wall

Gavin likes it too!

look at this little monkey in the tree!
There is still more to do, I think it will be a condo with all of Joel's aspirations for the project! But for now, it is great and our back yard is really coming along. Now all that is left to get is a pool.....I can't seem to find one on Craigslist, though. Oh well!


Kristi said...

Way to go, Joel! Can't wait til "New Addition" is your REAL new addition!! :)

mini and brother said...

Awesomeness!!!! I am so happy for you guys. What a cool spot right by the tree.
Is your baby girl almost here or what?

Robyn said...

Wow, that's great! Tell Joel we've got some projects for him in Iowa whenever he's ready ;)